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Meet the Head Master Harrow Appi Information Session

Discover the full boarding school of choice in Asia!

Join us for this event where our Head Master, Mr Stephen Tong, will provide valuable insights into the unique offerings of Harrow Appi: 

  • One-of-a-Kind Full-Boarding British School 
  • Boundless Learning in Nature 
  • Accelerated Learning in a Focused Environment 
  • Cultivate Talents in Nature 
  • 360° Personalised Support 
  • Lifelong Friendships and Connections 
Stephen Tong_square

Mr Stephen Tong, Head Master of Harrow Appi

Key takeaways from this session: 

  • Understand how our state-of-the-art facilities, combined with the serene natural surroundings, create an optimal environment for accelerated learning, enabling students to excel academically and personally. 
  • Learn how our full-boarding system and dedicated pastoral care nurture the holistic development of students.
  • Explore our comprehensive Enrichment Programme, designed to identify and nurture each student's unique talents and interests, providing them with a platform to shine and succeed.

A Q&A session allows parents to gain deeper insights into our school. This information session will be conducted in English and translated into Japanese and Chinese. 

 Event Details:  

  • Date: Tuesday 13 February 2024
  • Time: 7:00 PM – 8:00 PM JST
  • Location: Zoom link will be provided upon registration

Register for the event:


Academic Excellence

Harrow Appi boarders benefit from being part of a community and from learning to live alongside others. Boarders have full access to the school’s facilities, to their teachers, and to the delightful Appi environment. Read more

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Learning in Nature

We believe that vital learning takes place outside of the classroom. Academic learning is supported by an extensive range of activities. These programmes broaden horizons, instil a sense of adventure, and foster the six leadership attributes. Read more


Why Boarding?

Harrow International Schools have built an exceptional track record of successes in examination results and university placements, based on outstanding teaching, close personal tutoring and bespoke university counselling. Read more